Clinical datasets have become increasingly complex, making it essential for your facility to streamline capture through data sharing and improved system interoperability. Heartbase is uniquely poised to take on the growing challenges of integration due to the distinctive nature of our data model. The heartbase data repository shares all fields with matching data definitions, across all applicable registries, and in all historic versions.
As the co-chair of the IHE Cardiology Domain’s Technical Committee, heartbase President Nicholas Gawrit has co-authored a number of profiles to set standards for interoperability between
cardiovascular service lines to streamline data collection a help hospitals meet registry goals and maximize regulatory compliance.
Beyond our technological solutions, heartbase understands that successful interoperability relies on the human element. We provide the expertise and system flexibility to help your users develop a custom workflow that will ensure that your facility utilizes system integration to ease the burden of data collection in order to spend more time analyzing than entering.
heartbase differs from competitors in the following ways: the heartbase ADT captures all transactions/changes from the admitting system (regardless of registry), rather than having to request the patient from the CVIS. So, as the patient is changed on the Admitting side, that change is also reflected on the heartbase side. This includes Demographics, Admitting, and Discharge information. Again, there is no manual re-entry.
For sites looking to use our hbRecon Toolkit or the hbAnalytics Financial Module, heartbase will need access to coding and financial (only for the hbAnalytics) data. Sites can provide coding data in either a flatfile extract or real-time via an ABS message. For the financial data, heartbase only accepts flatfile extracts. Generally this data is provided on a monthly basis.
Data from the EHR will be automated via an MFT process to prepopulate registry data within the heartbase application. Using a specification, provided by the heartbase team, this interface can be tailored to certain sections of the registry form such as History & Risk Factors, Medications, and Lab Results. By using an extract versus a standardized interface, the data selection and validation is far more granular, and can greatly reduce the data abstraction burden.
Heartbase's work on interoperability is not limited to the interfaces listed. We can also consume messages from other modules such as Medications, Labs, Epic OpTime... etc. via standard interfaces. However, we recommend using the extract model, as costs are generally lower as the site would not need to purchase that interface from the EHR.
" When you’ve been a data manager for a while, you really start to understand the importance of a good vendor. I’ve had a relationship with heartbase for the past 11 years. I feel so bad for other data abstractors because I never hear “no” from my vendor.
From a data manager perspective, it can be very stressful. Every single time I reach out to heartbase support, my needs are always, always met within hours. I have a great relationship with the heartbase team. The quality of the customer support, the friendship, is all there at every level. They are amazing!!
- Tami K., Data Manager
Founded in 1992, heartbase has provided hospitals with registry solutions for over 25 years, and is certified in nearly every version of every ACC-NCDR & STS registry. This wealth of experience, in addition to heartbase's unique data model, has made us the most dependable and accurate data repository in the industry.
Heartbase uses a combination of standard registry harvest files and custom queries to migrate data from your existing vendor, providing immediate access to heartbase's cross-version longitudinal reporting.
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